How to Create a Test using Zephyr

In order to execute a test, you need to create the test first. You also need to create test cycles which will organize your test cases. Once you have created test cycles you need to place them in a version of the application that needs to be tested. Below we will discuss how to create a test case using Zephyr and how to store those test cases in cycles.

Create a Test Case Using Zephyr

Follow these simple steps to create your first test case with Zephyr.

Click on Create Test

The first thing we will do is click on the Tests menu and click Create a Test.

Create A Test
Create A Test

Enter Test Description Details

The next step is to enter the test description details.  You will add test steps later on in the process.  Note Zephyr gives you the option of adding your test cases to the storyboard.

Create Issue Test
Create Issue Test

Find the Test

Now we need to find the test case in order to enter the test steps.  Find the test case you have created and click on the menu option “Search Tests”.

After you create a test case you need to edit it
After you create a test case you need to edit it

Open the Test

Search for the name of the test you just created.  If you cannot find it, odds are it is the most recent test case.  Once you have found your test, click on it, and now you can begin entering test steps.

Search results for Zephyr
Search results for Zephyr

Add Test Steps

When you open a test case you will see three boxes which are: Test Step, Test Data, and Expected Result. If you want to add more steps simply click on Add button on the right-hand side.

How to enter test details using Zephyr
How to enter test details using Zephyr

Plan Test Cycle

The next step is to add your test cases to a cycle. First, click on Tests menu and select Plan Test Cycle.

Plan Test Cycle
Plan Test Cycle

Create New Cycle

Now click on Create a Test Cycle. A popup will appear and here name your cycle New Features or Regression.

Create New Cycle
Create New Cycle

Enter Cycle Details

Next, name the cycle New Features.  It is probably a good idea to create a second cycle called Regression.   When the feature are no longer new you can then add them to your regression cycle.

Create New Cycle - New Features
Create New Cycle – New Features

Add to Test Cycle

Finally, add your test cases to the cycle.  Note I am adding it to Version 1.0.

Add To Test Cycles
Add To Test Cycles

Now you know how to create a test case using Zephyr. To execute the test case you need to create a test cycle and execute it from there.

See Also